Food Production or Kitchen department in Hotel introduction and responsibilities

Introduction of Food Production Department and Kitchen

Food production department is mainly responsible for preparing the food as per the guest order in a hygienic manners . it is directly related with the production of the food. when the word comes food production here comes the word 'kitchen' or 'cuisine' so , when we know about the kitchen department we will definitely know about the food production department.

Kitchen is a well designed closed area with skillfull chef and all necessary equipments, tools and utensils liable for preparing food items as per guest order , followed by standard recipe in hygienic manner.

The word kitchen comes from the French word 'cuisine' which means art of cooking or food preparation in the kitchen. in modern Hotel Management cuisine refers to art of cooking and service the kitchen is the place where food is prepared in a hotel or restaurant in a special room is used for food preparation and is known as the kitchen. In outside catering it is a place kind of food preparation like in trekking , rafting, etc.

Kitchen is the central point of all activities in all restaurants and hotels where food is prepared. it is the heart of the hotel . Hotel is defined as a place where lodging and fooding facilities are available so kitchen is one of the most important unit where kitchen is related to the food. the purpose of kitchen Organisation in a hotel or restaurant is to produce or manage for the most effective use of staff , equipments and materials. it is the mostly revenue earning unit. 50% of Hotel revenue is come from the food. main objective of the kitchen department is to production of different type of healthy , tasty and nutritious dishes or food and beverage for its guest . Some of the function of the kitchen department can be explained as follows :-

  • To minimise wastage
  •  To prepare the right quantity of food
  •  To prepare food in the time expected
  •  To avoid customer waiting
  •  To provide safe and quality food for customer
  •  To achieve monthly weekly financial food target 
  • To create menu that will be helpful for customer
Food Production or Kitchen department in Hotel introduction and responsibilities Food Production or Kitchen department in Hotel introduction and responsibilities Reviewed by Kuber Bhandari on February 01, 2019 Rating: 5

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